Tuesday, May 21, 2019

5 Fastest Growing Industries of 2019

1. Internet and Technology Industries

Online Businesses

According to Industry Insider, two of the fastest growing industries of 2019 are Internet Publishing and Broadcasting, and E-commerce and Online Auctions. This may not be a surprising revelation as every year the online world continues to expand, and an increasing number of businesses are taking advantage of the Internet as a means to increase their profits. If you are looking to get into a future-proof career, then finding a role within an online business could be just what you need; whether you want to work your way up an already-established company or help build a small online business up from the ground.

Marketing and Advertising

If you have experience and knowledge within the marketing and advertising world, then you can always transfer your skills into the online world. Now more than ever, many businesses need help getting their business out there and trying to reach more customers online. The main difference between online marketing and advertising, however, is making sure you stay up to date with recent developments, such as social media advertising and SEO techniques.

Smart Tech Devices

Moving on from the traditional online business sector, another fast-growing industry is the “Smart Device” manufacturing. From Siri to Alexa, every year there are new developments to make our lives easier with the help of more advanced technology. Whether you are a tech-savvy expert who can help with the ins and outs of working smart technology, or a creative designer who can see a gap in the market, there is sure to be roles for you.

2. Care and Elderly Support Services

Other increasing industries which may be more surprising, however, include home care services and elderly and disabled services, due to the ageing population and therefore an increased need for care services. According to NHS Digital, since 2015-16 the need for adult social care workers has increased by 1.6% in 2017-18. Within the adult care sector, there are a variety of roles needed including carers in care homes and in the community, support workers, respite carers, transport assistants and more. This challenging career may not always pay the most, but people helping will always be a valued and rewarding career to have.

3. Media, Music and Entertainment

The media and entertainment industry in the UK is set to skyrocket over the next few years, with predictions of it growing a huge £8 billion by 2022 according to Consultancy.uk. One of the key areas of growth is said to be the VR industry, with the world of virtual reality already making huge advances in just the past four years. As well as VR, internet advertising and digital music streaming are on the increase, with a huge 18% predicted to increase by 2022. Entertainment is often big business, and with people having greater access to an even wider range of entertainment at their fingertips, it’s easier than ever to boost sales and expand your entertainment business online.

4. High-Tech Transportation and Solar Power

From self-driving cars to eco-friendly vehicles, the world of high-tech transport is set to boom in 2019. With global fears over the impact our CO2 emissions have on the environment, there is a lot of pressure and incentive to create more eco-friendly transport, and due to high numbers of road accidents, safer vehicles are in high demand. According to Next Green Car, electric vehicles have increased from 3,500 in 2013 to a whopping 195,000 by February 2019, with a great increase in hybrid car manufacturers across the country. Following on from the rise in eco-friendly products, solar panels and solar power products are also on the rise, providing a cost-effective, energy saving and environmentally friendly way of living.

5. Ethnic Meals and Plant-Based Foods

If you are interested in expanding your food business or looking to get into a catering career which will stand the test of time, then ethnic foods and plant-based foods are continuing to grow year on year. With a greater interest in exploring foods from around the world, foodies are looking to expand their pallet and find new tastes from across the globe, so trying dishes from other cultures is a great idea. As well as an increased interest in ethnic dishes, plant-based foods are on the rise also. With vegetarian and vegan diets increasing, the demand for meat-free meals has increased by a huge 987% in 2017, with veganism being the biggest trend of 2018 according to The Vegan Society. With increased awareness of the ethical, environmental and health benefits of these dietary choices, it doesn’t appear that this trend will disappear anytime soon.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Is a New Career Your 2019 Goal? Here’s How to Achieve It

Update your LinkedIn

One of the first things potential employers will look at is your social media, especially your linkedin. Make sure your profile highlights that you’re looking for the next step in your work life, and that while your current job might be in one industry, your job search and career goals go beyond that.

Find a Career Coach to help you with career advice

You can either hire a professional career coach or find someone in the field who’ll be able to help. For example, if you’ve always worked in hospitality but you want to get an entry level job in HR, there may be an HR professional at your current job who has the know how to give you advice on career options in the new industry, or even provide leads for a full time job or part time job, or get you a job interview that could lead to your new job! Sometimes there may also be jobs going in your own workplace that you may be able to apply for.

Find out what qualifications will help you in your new field

A specific career may require a specific skill set or formal qualification. To get your perfect role, do some research and ask your career coach about what qualifications or skills you’ll need to succeed in your career development aims. Another great way to figure out what you’ll need is to look at job descriptions and job sites state you’ll need for different job titles. If you know that you want to end up being a corporate PR professional and all of those positions require a specific course, it may be something you need to look into, even if it’s not required for the entry level position you’re looking at. Once you’ve done that, browse our list of courses to find one that can help you get the new skills you need to achieve your new goal!

Make a list of all relevant work experience from your entire career

Different fields give you different skills, but just because your day job isn’t your dream job doesn’t mean you haven’t had any relevant experience. If you’re looking at going into HR and on a day to day basis at your current job have often worked on doing rosters or have done a consulting job with an HR company in the past, it’s all relevant work experience that you can use in informational interviews or just a job interview in general! For more on using life and work experience to change career, check out this page.

Go to networking events to improve your job outlook

If you’re looking to change careers, it’s always good to have a network in the new industry. Going to networking events can mean that you make valuable contacts, but can also show people that you’re willing to put in the hard work to achieve your goals. Plus, you get the change to hear about new jobs before people get a job alert about the position, and make a good impression before you have to do things like psychometric tests or answer 100 different questions in group interviews.

Make a list of transferable skills

There are some skills that are useful in every single industry. These are skills that are fantastic to highlight in your cover letter or help give investors confidence in you for your start-up business. Once again, looking at your target field for what transferable skills they value can be helpful – maybe Sarad from HR loves your time management skills at your current job, but businesses looking for HR professionals list good communication skills as crucial. Find out what your transferable skills are and then highlight them!